Friday, January 29, 2010
Fashion Week: Animal Makeover (Wolf)

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Fashion Week: Animal Makeover (Bison)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Fashion Week: Animal Makeover (Bald Eagle)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Fashion Week: Animal Makeover (Mtn. Goat)

Monday, January 25, 2010
Fashion Week: Animal Makeover (Kodiak)

Friday, January 22, 2010
Thoughts Over Coffee

Things get trickier with the mention of God and the advancements of technology. Heaven and Hell, life and death, and reality itself. This is where logic can be used to deduce a thoughtful response - just falsify it. Taken from Wikipedia (since it sounds more eloquent than myself), falsifiability is the logical possibility that an assertion can be shown false by an observation or a physical experiment. That something is "falsifiable" does not mean it is false; rather, that if it is false, then this can be shown by observation or experiment. A religious person may believe God exists and a quantum physicist may claim that there are infinite realities existing at the same time. Both cannot be falsified, therefore both cannot be proven false (or true for that matter).
From an evolutionary standpoint, humans evolved from apes, most closely related to chimpanzees and bonobos. Chimps are known to be violent and aggressive, while bonobos alleviate tension in groups by showing love or by having sex. Humans have seemingly adapted both traits and are capable of both altruistic behavior and violent wars. People have always theorized and thought ideologically about how to improve humanity. Wishing for world peace or eternal happiness are both wonderful ideas, but due to many variables these are unlikely to happen. In the end, morality itself is a man-made invention.
We can only define happiness because we know what sadness is. To get rid of sadness would be to get rid of happiness as well. If this is true, then one should embrace sadness in order to experience happiness. You can relate this to any emotion or experience you've ever had. So the best option in life is to do what you believe in and let others do the same, because you aren't right or wrong, just different. In the words of Nietzsche: You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Thoughts Over Coffee

Reading a book one loves creates a connection with the story that relates to your own life. Understanding the author or hero brings us joy and comfort, knowing someone else out there feels the same way we do. When one loves a pet, they love the connection that animal displays to its owner, even if it's just anthropomorphic. Fetching the morning paper, licking your face, or laying by your side are all signs of devotion. The animal most likely associates you as someone that provides food and security, thus a symbiotic relationship forms between the two. Most of us realize this but don't mind - as long as it feels good.
When one loves another human being, it becomes much more complicated. You can love a wife, a mother, or a friend with seemingly different levels of emotion. But is it actually different? Our developed brains use reason to ask questions and look for answers. We have the ability to look for meaning in the Universe, but ultimately we fail, which leaves us frustrated, confused, and alone. However, we are social creatures and therefore we find solace and comfort in two forms - through the love of others and through the creative arts. We look to others (a wife, a mother, a friend, or an author/artist) to trust in and rely on, creating a connection or feeling of completeness.
We search for love in its many forms so as not to be alone in the meaningless, absurdity of it all. Take the Universe for instance - its the Mother of all mothers and the most beautiful, grandest creation ever. I can barely fathom what I know about it, and realize there are so many things I'm not even aware that exist within it! Therefore I love the very thing that makes me feel alone in the first place. A Catch-22 of sorts, which by the way, is a book I love.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Thoughts Over Coffee

The world is full of knowledgeable people - auto mechanics, doctors, and academic professors are just a few specialized groups with an acquired set of information and skills that we trust and rely on to help society function properly. Being a knowledgeable mechanic, doctor, or professor does not necessarily make one wise. Wisdom goes further to explore deeper questions and what they mean to the individual, as well as the greater sphere of human life (or even the Universe). The more interested in a topic one gets, the more they research and seek out information (ie, the more knowledgeable
one becomes). When that person finally realizes that the deeper he searches for answers, the more questions he finds in its place, something new has blossomed.
Wisdom begins here, when the individual embraces the notion that he actually knows very little. Therefore wisdom does not rely on age, but tends to come later in life when the individual has had enough experiences and time to reflect on the mysteries of space, time, and the human spirit. This explains the classic description of how we envision wise people - they are old yet childlike, talk profound yet simply, and even sometimes reply with another question answering nothing at all. Wise people embrace the absurdity of the Universe and its inability to provide answers (in regards to humans making any sense of it at least).
We are floating through space on a giant rock without a road map.
So just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Thoughts Over Coffee

The other route in life is to do your own thing, which tends to be a self-satisfying happiness that's deeper and more meaningful. People that work for themselves are far happier, and it is said that the average person would have to earn two and half times as much to be as happy working for someone else as he would be working for himself. More than twice as happy!
Most people do not go to college to learn an array of subjects. Most people take the bare minimum number of credits to graduate and only work hard enough to pass. Most people go to college to get a degree so they can get a job, so they can earn money, so they can buy things. They dedicate a major part of their life (their career) to something they don't actually enjoy or care about.
As social creatures, we need societies to survive, and therefore we rely on others. As nature would have it, we have learned to conform and sacrifice. Instead of pursuing our own loves/hobbies/interests, we tend to abandon them to secure a path in life that will give us a sense of security and happiness. Thus, the ultimate sacrifice is of ourselves. If we throw away our own personal goals and ideas for the greater good of society, then are we ever truly free?
Friday, January 15, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Tree Rings

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Farm Animals

Friday, January 8, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
Oh My Darjeeling

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